sobota 15. januára 2022

How to install and configure monit on Centos8:

 How to install and configure monit on Centos8:

1) monit is on epel repositories:

yum install monit

systemctl enable monit

systemctl start monit

2) configuration file is: 

 vi /etc/monitrc

--settings name/password

-- Allow IP addresses 

3) adding services:

 vi /etc/monit.d/httpdmonitor

in file: 

check process HTTPD with pidfile /var/run/httpd/

start program "/usr/bin/systemctl start httpd.service"

stop program "/usr/bin/systemctl stop httpd.service"

if failed port 80 protocol http then restart



4) check syntax 

  monit -t


5) restart monit

systemctl restart monit

6) run:


older article about Centos7 and monit (but in Slovak language): 

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