utorok 4. januára 2022

encfs on centos

 How to install encfs on centos? We need epel repository, fuse library and we can start. 

1) we need epel repository:

yum install epel-release 

2) yum install pam_script fuse-encfs

3) we can use encfs

like this:

 encfs /root/encrypted/ /root/decrypted/

[root@localhost ~]# ls -l decrypted/

total 4

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 15 Jan  4 10:46 rmrf.txt

[root@localhost ~]# ls -l encrypted/

total 8

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  5 Jan  4 08:49 1.txt

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 31 Jan  4 10:46 oMr7Ap8J1ZRRAxQgYAb1Zm4t

[root@localhost ~]#

- plese read files: 

[root@localhost ~]# cat decrypted/rmrf.txt
destroy linux!

[root@localhost ~]# cat encrypted/oMr7Ap8J1ZRRAxQgYAb1Zm4t

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