štvrtok 6. mája 2021

How to install nfs server

We need network storage via nfs protocol. How to install nfs and configure?

1. install nfs-utils

yum install nfs-utils

2. create directory to sharing 

mkdir /nfs 

3. configuration files /etc/exports and setting (rw or ro)

[root@nfs-server ~]# nano /etc/exports

[root@nfs-server ~]# cat /etc/exports

/nfs *(rw)

[root@nfs-server ~]#

4. set permissions 

chmod 777 /nfs

5. export file systems:

 exportfs -a

6. start services: 

systemctl start {rpcbind,nfs-server,rpc-statd,nfs-idmapd}

systemctl enable {rpcbind,nfs-server,rpc-statd,nfs-idmapd}

7. check nfs connection in localhost

showmount -e localhost


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