pondelok 10. mája 2021

command date

 I would like to show you command date. Let's play with date:

1) classic date command

[root@localhost ~]# date

Mon May 10 09:56:56 CEST 2021

[root@localhost ~]#

-- you see date, time, time zone, year

2) date in UTC time

[root@localhost ~]# date -u

Mon May 10 07:57:52 UTC 2021

[root@localhost ~]#

3) only date

[root@localhost ~]# date -I


4) we can check past dates 

[root@localhost ~]# date --date="764 days ago"

Sun Apr  7 09:59:55 CEST 2019

[root@localhost ~]#

5) we can check uptime and date to past:

[root@Bonifac ~]# uptime

 10:00:23 up 221 days, 14:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.06, 0.12

[root@Bonifac ~]#

[root@Bonifac ~]# date --date="221 days ago"

Thu Oct  1 10:00:52 CEST 2020

--there is only date (without time)

[root@localhost ~]# date --date="221 days ago" -I


[root@localhost ~]#

Thank you for this article:


date command in slovak blog: https://zapiskylinuxadmina.blogspot.com/2020/03/date-par-prepinacov.html

1 komentár:

  1. Thanks for sharing this.,
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