streda 4. marca 2020


Občas potrebujeme zistiť, ako zmerať hw hodnoty. Napríklad ľudia v práci bežia na notebookoch s linuxom. Vy im robíte support. Zoznámime sa s príkazom acpi.

môj linux GUI:

root@guliverkel:/home/martin# cat /etc/debian_version
root@guliverkel:/home/martin# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

1. potrebujeme nainštalovať 2 balíčky acpitool a acpi

Nainštalujeme klasicky z repozitáru:

root@guliverkel:/home/martin# apt-get install acpitool

root@guliverkel:/home/martin# apt-get install acpi

2. pozrime sa na výsledky: 

vidíte napríklad nabíjanie baterky (16 percent) či teplotu CPU

root@guliverkel:/home/martin# acpi -V
Battery 0: Charging, 16%, 01:07:32 until charged
Battery 0: design capacity 1898 mAh, last full capacity 1355 mAh = 71%
Adapter 0: on-line
Thermal 0: ok, 49.0 degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 0 switches to mode critical at temperature 110.0 degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 1 switches to mode active at temperature 105.0 degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 2 switches to mode active at temperature 55.0 degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 3 switches to mode active at temperature 50.0 degrees C
Thermal 1: ok, 49.0 degrees C
Thermal 1: trip point 0 switches to mode critical at temperature 110.0 degrees C
Cooling 0: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 1: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 2: Fan 0 of 1
Cooling 3: Fan 0 of 1
Cooling 4: x86_pkg_temp no state information available
Cooling 5: Fan 1 of 1
Cooling 6: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 7: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 8: Fan 0 of 1
Cooling 9: Fan 1 of 1
Cooling 10: intel_powerclamp no state information available

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